Romance in ISLAM

Romance in ISLAM

RasuIAIIah said: "The best of you is the one who is best to his wife, and I am the best of you

to my wives."

Ilbn Majahl.
A few Sunnahs of the Prophet Muhammad with his wives are mentioned in this post.

1. Lifting the morsel to her mouth.

Allah's Messenger (g) said, "You will be rewarded for whatever you spend for Allah 's
sake even if it were a morsel which you put in your wife's mouth. "
ISahih al-Bukhari 561

2. Having fun and spending time with each other.

It was narrated that 'Aishah said:

"The Prophet raced with me and I beat him. "

ISahih Ibn Majahl

3. Laying in each other's lap.

The Prophet would recline in the lap of our beloved mother Sayyidah Aisha (RA) even in

the state when she would be menstruating. The Prophet would recite the Qur'än whilst

reclining in his wife's lap.

ISahih A1-Bukharil

4. Kissing

The Prophet would kiss his wife regularly. Even when he would be fasting.

It's sunnah to kiss your wife before going to the masjid:

narrated that 'A'ishah [RA] said that the Prophet always kissed one of his wives then

went out to pray,"

IAbu Dawoodl

5. Combing the spouse's hair.

Aisha (RA) would comb the hair of the Prophet and wash his hair.

IBukhrai, Tirmidhil

6. Calling her by a beautiful name.

The Prophet would call his wife Humairä out of love. It means little reddish one, it refers

to someone who is so fair that due to the sun they get a reddish tan.

ISahaih A1-Bukharil

7. Eating from the same spot.

Narration by Aisha "RasulAllah used to put his mouth on the place where I had drunk

from, & he would drink from what was leftover by me, even if I was menstruating."

He* would also eat after her, & from the same place she had eaten from.

8. Assisting her in the housework.

The Prophet would clean and help at home. He would see to his needs himself

rather than demanding his wife. He would clean and see to his clothing himself, even

Without being asked.

9. Respecting your spouse and her loved ones.

One day, the Prophet's companion, Amr ibn

A1-As, said:

"l came to the Prophet and said

"Which people do you love most?"

He replied, "Aisha."

I said: "From amongst the men?"

He replied, "Her father, (Abu Bakr)."

I Bukharil

I believe that these Ahadees must be reminded at least once at every

Wedding ceremony. We need to understand and

propagate the fact that living as a lovely couple is not prohibited in

Islam, Islam teaches us to love! May Allah swt grant us all righteous

spouses who will be coolness of our eyes and will wait for us at the gates

of Jannah, Ameen.



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